Yerba Mate is a very traditional drink from the countries of South America, such as Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil.
Yerba Mate is a very popular drink because has a wonderful benefits such as energizing properties, is rich in antioxidants and boosting your immune system!

Stimulant beverage
Yerba Mate contains Xanthines, which are stimulants. Mate being a caffeinated drink contains this kind of stimulants (which people sometimes call “mateine”). Also Mate contains theophylline, which is in inhalers and helps you breathe better, and Obromine, which is found in chocolate and gives you a happy and euphoric feeling.
Reduces the risks of heart diseases and cancer
Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant, and Yerba Mate has 11 different kinds of them.
Now, a quick lesson: An antioxidant is a molecule capable of inhibiting the oxidation of other molecules. This is good because oxidation can produce what are known as free radicals, and they can start chain reactions in cells that either kill or damage them, manifesting many times in forms of skin damage, heart diseases, or even cancer.

Helps fight bad cholesterol

Lipoproteins are a combination of cholesterol and a protein that circulate through the body and carry cholesterol from the liver and small intestine to other tissues and cells in the body that need it. You have LDLs and HDLs (high-density), but LDLs is bad cholesterol, and when oxidized they can produce inflammation in your arteries that supply blood to your organs and other tissues, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
So, all of the antioxidants that Yerba Mate is packed with help inhibit LDL production.
An excellent source of vitamins

Yerba Mate contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin (B3), B5, B Complex, Fatty Acids, Chlorophyll, Flavonols Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Carotene. We all know that many vitamins and minerals are good for keep our healthy body.
It can cure a hangover

After a party, there is nothing better than drinking Yerba Mate to cure a hangover, you will feel like a new person, thanks to its energizing effect it will helping with a liver cleaning, will make you feel lighter and free of all that malaise hangover causes you.
An ally in weight loss

Researchers from the Juan Agustín Maza University concluded that the daily consumption of 2 litres of Mate, combined with an eating plan, helps overweight people lose weight faster, besides helping with digestion!
Time to taste it
Now that you know everything about this millenary and healthy beverage, why don’t you give it a try and incorporate it into your daily basis? Either you are on the north or the south island, from Cabo Reinga to Wellington and from Puponga to Invercagil, order your yerba mate (don’t forget to get your mate gourd and straw) and start a healthier diet with this drink that tastes like tea and hits you like coffee!

Take a look at the many options of Mate we have HERE
Thanks for Reading!
Latino Foods Team